The 4.4.4 (2020) Portal – A Channeled Message Via Aiden, A Pleiadian.
by Monika Carless | Apr 3, 2020 | Musings
Beloved Friends, I/we are Aiden, an individual and group of non-incarnated Beings from the Pleiades Star Nation. It is our pleasure to speak once again through our loving channel Monika, or as some of you understand her, Coyote. It is our pleasure to speak with...Dark Moon/ Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn Conjunct Jupiter 5.12 UT/GMT
by Monika Carless | Dec 25, 2019 | Musings
Read the full version @ elephant journal The end of 2019 brings us to an uncomfortable cusp, where we have a final opportunity to peer into the darkness, and with great courage, keep peering, until the darkness dissolves from either our understanding of it or from...The Last Full Moon of the Decade and a 12:12 Portal Heart Opener Ritual
by Monika Carless | Dec 12, 2019 | Musings
Astronomer Dr. Percy Seymour puts forth that astrology is a science of magnetism, a universal force as significant as gravity. It is an ancient language spoken by the cosmos, and interpreted by man through sacred symbolism. Wild Ones, December 12th sees the...Full Moon in Taurus opposing Mercury Retrograde plus 11:11. Staying Grounded amidst the Chaos.
by Monika Carless | Nov 11, 2019 | Musings
The effects of the full moon are said to be expansive, electric; chaotic. They can plunge us into all kinds of emotional states. When the moon opposes the sun, the magnetic energy created is not only shared by those two cosmic bodies but is felt also within our...Get inspired
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