
“The role of a writer is not to say what we can all say, but what we are unable to say” ~ Anais Nin

**My Blog is now on Substack. This page is an Archive of Previous Posts. Thank you for Reading!

Finding Wholesome Balance at Spring Equinox

But first... winter I don’t know anyone who isn’t inspired by spring, do you? The winter in my neck of the woods – South Vancouver Island – has been mild except for a week or two of colder than usual for these parts, and a week of snow, when everyone lost their minds...

Friday the 13th and 13 Archetypes of the Goddess

Friday the 13th and 13 Archetypes of the Goddess

Did you know that for a Friday the 13th to occur, the month must begin on a Sunday, and that every year has one Friday the 13th? It can also occur up to three times. There will be three Friday the 13th’s in 2026, this is the second in 2023, and there will be two in...

An Equinox Manifestation Practice

“If you knew the magnificence of the numbers 3, 6 and 9, you would have the key to the universe” ~ Nicola Tesla I’m starting a new practice this Autumn Equinox. It’s an experiment in a way, because I’m combining two practices to boost my spiritual algorithm. I know…...

The 13th Moon of 2020. What Will it Mean for You?

The 13th Moon of 2020. What Will it Mean for You?

Greetings my Beloveds! I have been putting off adding a new blog, because this site has been completely redone... if you haven't already noticed... and I've been terrified of going into the back end, as it were, haha, to do any poking around! I had a great team to...