(Published on elephant journal) Before I get into that, let’s celebrate today’s Full Moon! Full Moon energy extends to two days post, and you can always integrate this Lunar Message anytime, as it suits you. “We can use our difficulties and problems to...
Did you know that for a Friday the 13th to occur, the month must begin on a Sunday, and that every year has one Friday the 13th? It can also occur up to three times. There will be three Friday the 13th’s in 2026, this is the second in 2023, and there will be two in...
Greetings my Beloveds! I have been putting off adding a new blog, because this site has been completely redone… if you haven’t already noticed… and I’ve been terrified of going into the back end, as it were, haha, to do any poking around! I had...
Hello Beloved, I bet you, like me, have had a few dances with grief in your lifetime? I’ve been thinking about this for the past few weeks. What about those times when you think it’s not grief, but melancholy, or some other nagging thing that is keeping...
How is it with you Wild One? Here on Van Isle, we are slipping quite smoothly into Autumn, the rains have begun. With that come the colors and the energy of impending darkest of days. Delicious! I hope that you and yours are safe, warm and healthy. That is my prayer...