A Twin Flame is part of your intuitive soul. They understand you because the spark from which you were both ignited into being, burns in both your hearts. My guide Aiden, tells me, that Twin Flames share Heart and Third Eye chakras. Two bodies with one Heart Flame, one sense of Higher Self.
They see themselves reflected in each others eyes, which are the window to the soul. Twin Flames ‘intuit’ each other. Like an Empath who can pick up your emotions, feelings, thoughts, intentions via their Pineal Gland and Aura, your twins experience each other deeply. It’s difficult to hide one’s authenticity from their Twin, that is why when Twins meet it is a profound experience and moves the soul through rapid progression.
Unlike Soulmates, Twin Flames don’t stick around for the bullshit. You’ll be required to do your work as will they. You’re meeting for a purpose and that purpose has already required much of you and you have already moved mountains to be who you are.
To meet one’s Twin Flame is to have touched one’s soul in the physical world.
© m. carless as channeled via Aiden
artist – featured image – Robby