Spirit Update: 01.10-12. 20

Wild Ones,

If you are dialed-in to your emotions, you may be feeling the utter chaos, the torn up roots, the pull to new directions as the moon, sun and planets create a deeply magnetized energetic portal.

“A penumbral eclipse of the Moon occurs on Friday 10 January, 2020 UT, lasting from 17:07–21:12 UT. At maximum eclipse, 90% of the Moon’s disc will be partially shaded by the Earth, which will cause a slight shadow gradient across its disc; this subtle effect may be visible to careful observers. No part of the Moon will be in complete shadow. The eclipse will last 4 hours and 5 minutes overall, and will be visible from Africa, Europe, Asia, Alaska, and Australia.” ~ moonblink

Cancer brings an element of sensitivity and vulnerability. The moon rules Cancer, the full moon represents the ‘mother’, fertility and heightened senses. You may be soaking up the emotions of others right now, or drowning in your own. Your core wounds may be activated, bringing up issues which have long needed to be dealt with.

This is a time for nurturing your own needs, for speaking up!

Relationships, especially very close ones, will come under scrutiny. Communication is especially vital right now. If you tend to sweep things under the carpet, it’s time for a new habit… sweeping things CLEAN is more appropriate.

Although this moon favors the rich and powerful because of the Saturn/Pluto influence, (cold authority), it is the actions, thoughts and words of those who live through the heart which will be of critical importance now. Do not shy away from where you can be an influence for peace and love as 2020 unfolds. While it looks like the world is going to hell in a hand-basket, this is precisely the correct timing for a rise in consciousness. Remember it is always darkest before the dawn.

Check to see in which house Capricorn resides for you (natal chart), to find where the Saturn/Pluto conjuction plays out in your life. For me, it is in the 7th house of Partnership and Love. This is where I am feeling the most pressure and an invitation for integrity. What is it for you?

It’s important that we tend to such matters with intent. Avoid it, and it will only come up further down the road more assertively.

If you can stay in integrity, find courage for self-expression, (no matter the result), cultivate centeredness through attention to breath and grounding in what is REAL for you, this transition will take you to magical new places.

Be aware that this moon and conjunction may play out for some or many months for you personally. Once we open the proverbial Pandora’s box, we must commit to final resolutions. We’ve been preparing for this since the Witch’s New Year on October 31st. Into the darkness we went. This is our opportunity for brave next steps.

Now with the Sun, Mercury, Ceres, Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter and South Node in Capricorn (structure, organization, order, responsibility, duty, frugality, dependability, control, fear) it will be easy to see the polarity and struggle in the world between governments. But as without, so within, my loves, and we must always look to our own path in order to affect change in the world. We begin by looking at where we are out of balance.

The Great Mother needs us more than ever now, and She is showing us with very clear sign in the heavens where our work is.

The good news is, we are so well equipped for knowing joy. Just close your eyes. Listen to yourSELF.

Blessed be, may this moon illuminate your life in the most powerful and compassionate ways.

Heart hugs and soul kisses,



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