Love is not about falling.

It is about rising to the vibration of the heart, where the mind cannot enter, and we recognize each other as we were on the Other Side. Devoid of mind, ego, expectation and judgement, love flourishes and we progress on our soul purpose.

Love in its ecstatic form cannot tarnish.

We mix up practicalities of life with the purpose of love. Love is our core frequency, it is not what we receive from another, we already are that, love serves its purpose when it helps us to remember our true nature as light beings.

As soon as we see the love reflected in another as something they give us, and begin to expect (ego and mind engage) we lose that spark of connection that jolted us awake when we first met our mirror.

Exercise for love partners: Sit comfortably facing each other and gaze into each others eyes, sinking deep. Stay until what you know of them dissolves and you see only their beauty, their soul, the whole universe. Allow room for tears and feelings of expanding into the cosmos. Re-connect. Namaste.

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