Who doesn’t love a good smoothie? It’s a meal and a dessert in one!
I’ve been drinking smoothies for years, as a way of increasing the nutrition load in my diet.
My favorite smoothie is one that is power-packed with nourishment for the skin (our biggest organ) and immunity boosters that can also help us maintain a healthy weight.
This “Super Green Smoothie” recipe makes a large smoothie or two smaller smoothies—take one to-go, for later!
Here is my basic recipe (but we can always add in more things we love):
2 cups leafy greens—choose from kale, Swiss chard, dandelion (bitter, but much needed for increasing bile production and for healthy liver and gallbladder), bok choy or romaine.
Additionally, Spirulina powder—a gift from the sea—can be added in instead of leafy greens. I keep it on hand for when I have none of the greens above in the fridge, or if I just want a superior immunity boost—Spirulina is excellent cell food.
2 cups of your choice: water, almond milk, coconut water, almond milk, rice milk, soy milk or coconut milk.
(If you use coconut milk, get the kind that is homogenized, so mixing is not necessary. And you use soy milk, make sure it’s organic and non-GMO!)
3 cups fruit—one of these fruits should be frozen, to thicken and chill the smoothie.
Choose from mango, peaches, bananas, berries, avocado, pineapple (good for weight loss), or whatever you have available. Right now I’m blissing out on strawberries! I really try to use fruit that is in season, and in the winter I use locally-grown frozen berries.
Mix the water/milk and greens first, then add the fruit and mix once more.
More on this here….Slimming Super Green Smoothie for Immunity & Sexy Skin. {Vegan Recipe} | elephant journal