Lion’s Gate Portal Opens 07.26.2020eaks 08.08. 2020
Recedes 08.13.20
* Increased cosmic flow between the spiritual realm and planet Earth.
*An alignment between the Cosmic Sun – Sirius, our Sun and Earth, as Sirius rises in the Eastern Sky, Orion’s Belt lines up with the Pyramid of Giza.
* Sirius activates our Third Eye, (pineal gland), intuition, telepathy, the 4 claire’s – clairvoyance, clairsentience, claireaudience, claircognizance – access to ancient and future wisdom
* In the sign of Leo, Lionsgate is the portal for the sacred heart, from which we draw our lifesource, and represents the Divine in personified form
* DNA activations, codes of awakening, soul illumination – as high frequency energy floods our planet
* Accelerated ascension available as 2020, already a year of expanding consciousness and unprecedented societal shifts catapults us closer to living through the heart as a collective
* Access your multi-dimensional self
* Access abundance, and your original soul’s resonance
* Release the lower frequencies of anger and fear
* Receive new seeds of potential released via the powerful transmissions of Sirius
* Jump timelines, dimensions in dream time and lucid dreaming
Remain heart-centered, in service to others, open to unexplained healings in both body and spirit.
Leo reminds us of our brilliance. May we live in harmony and love.
Expect miracles.
The last 5 months of 2020 will see more direct intervention/help from benevolent Star Nations, as humanity seeks harmony amid the chaos.