This first Full Moon of 2017 sighs heavily under the influence of Cancer and a Grand Cross building on the night of the 12th with the Moon in Cancer, Jupiter in Libra, the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries.
We begin this year with attention to our intuition, with being open to changes that will challenge but bring our strength to the surface, with finding equilibrium in unsteady times. My prediction is that the next two years will bring decidedly big shifts in our inner and outer landscapes. Both we and the planet will heave with a desire for exposing long buried treasures. Let us hold hands and through LOVE help each other find hope in the changes to come. SHE will adjust herself to our energy so let us feed Her with our best intentions.
5 brings the powerful energy of the Feminine, the mysticism of the Pentagram. The five fold mystery of the Four Directions and Spirit united in one sacred geometric configuration.
We are blessed with this energy this Full Moon, of Earth, Air, Fire and Water and must take it with us on our journey into the coming year.
Full Moon Blessings my loves. So it has been spoken, so mote it be! ❤
Original art Edit by me
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