There’s a lot happening these days in the cosmos, all an outer reflection of our inner world.

Crystals to amplify your journey – Citrine, yellow Topaz, Amber, Tiger’s Eye, Carnelian

Element of Fire – feel it in your belly and middle body

Initiations of change, DNA upgrades and nervous system adjustments are occurring as you sleep, meditate, dream and lucid dream, or during any inward bound process.

You may experience personality shifts or alignments, as ‘feeling and being’ are the major work of the solar plexus.

I am balanced
I am complete
I am whole
I am at peace

Find me @ The Raven and The Mystic for daily posts such as this, and so much more Beloved

image diego PH on unsplash

“The summer solstice is one day when the sun is at its ecstasy and the power of prana is the maximum so that you can be enriched with that vital primal force so that your destiny can be rewritten.”  ~ Yogi Bhajan

Summer solstice is one of those times that seems like one thing but is really another. I wrote a prayer for this year’s solstice, and some tips on how to celebrate. There is a three day window, so not too late to dive in!

Read the whole thing here @ elephant journal

Wild Ones, we are not powerless in the face of changing times, if we remain present and aware. So often, one can feel as if the tide is pulling things along, we can feel bewildered and lost. But the truth is, we can choose to be engaged and creative, to add to the consciousness evolving, or we can choose to be swept along.

We rise in sovereignty and integrity when we are purposeful and intentional, and that is truly the state we are meant to vibrate in.

Sharing Solstice, Dark Moon, Eclipse magic with you!

What is this portal awakening in you?

Heart hugs and soul kisses,
