Announcing: The Raven and the Aspen King

Announcing: The Raven and the Aspen King

Hey darlings, here is the new cover for the Raven and the Aspen King, due  for release next week! The magic continues in The Dark Pool Trilogy! Once again, meet Aiden and Sahara on their journey into love and erotic mysticism. I will send another note as soon as we...
Erotic Fiction as Channeled Information.

Erotic Fiction as Channeled Information.

As many of you know, The Dark Pool is a channeled work, via the Soul Group ‘Aiden’. I’ve been blessed to write erotica as a portal for Spirit. Can there be anything more in tune with a Scorpio’s life path than merging sexuality with...

A Successful Book Signing! – Victoria, B.C.

The Dark Pool’s debut in Victoria last night was a wonderful success, with my local tribe attending, and incredible support from Chapter’s staff. They did everything in their power to make us feel welcome and engaged with customers. We have been invited to...