Listen! Listen! Listen!
That is the most important advice I can give to any woman awakening to her wild woman nature.
Listen to the deep call within, the one that howls like a wolf at the moon, calling, calling, reaching out to your Highest Self, who knows, knows, knows, what is right for you.
We are afraid of the call to our truth, our power, our primal wildness, because when we wake to it, the foundations beneath our feet will shake and worlds will break.
We will have to acknowledge that we haven’t been listening to the whisper of our soul, that our belly’s have been tight with longing, that we’ve craved nights alone under the stars writing our secrets in the sand, creating new realities with every stroke of creativity that spills from our darkness.
Wild Woman, stand for your Self. Stand with your nose to the wind, your voice to the heavens, your heart to the call of your birthing.
It is time. It is time.
*Full Moon Comin’! New post later today about the Full Moon in Virgo.