“To be ourselves causes us to be exiled by many others, and yet to comply with what others want causes us to be exiled from ourselves.” ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes

“So I’m thinking of writing an article called ‘The Whore Next Door’,” I mused to my partner as he was falling asleep.

“Oh, really?” he said, eyes flying open. “Couldn’t you use a different word? Sounds like an uncomfortable trigger.”

“I don’t want to dilute things,” I replied, but wondered if he was right.

What does the word “whore” bring up for you?

It’s not a trigger for me, and I use it liberally when writing erotica. Having been raised in the Catholic faith, I was indoctrinated into the concept of “whoredom” as it were, through the impactful story of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

Even back then, with no remembrance of my past lives, Pagan roots, or Witch’s skills, I had a knowing that this whole whore complex had deep connections to the Divine Feminine…although I could not articulate it as such. It breathed within me as a reverence for flow, surrender, and receptivity. I experienced it via nature and the fairy tales I adored.

Later in life, when I realized that fairy tales were holographs of our inner world (psyche) and embodied emotional archetypes, I revisited what I had been taught about the whore.

The rest here darlings…

** Ready to step into transformation and fearless authenticity? I’m offering a $97 One-on-One Card Reading/Coaching session! I have a few spots left at this discounted rate. We begin and end each session with Emotional Freedom Technique.  Book Me Here!