“May I be a guard for those without one. A guide for all who journey on the road. May I become a boat, a raft or bridge, for all those who wish to cross the water.” ~ Michele Baldwin.
I adore serendipity.
Life has a way of handing us exactly what we need, when we least expect it.
Recently, my partner and I traveled to the island of Kauai to celebrate our 22 year love affair, and also to bring my newly released novel, The Dark Pool, to the mountain of Bali Ha’i for a gratitude ritual.
We had been in Kauai’s Poipu Beach area for a week before we made our way to the mystical North Shore; where almost three years before I had meditated at the foot of the sacred mountain to ask for courage to write my book and seeking healing after my adoptive mother’s passing over to the spirit world.
Somehow, my obsession with a civilized cup of English tea opened a portal for meeting a Kauai artist and his beautiful wife; both instantly familiar to us—an immediate friendship blossomed.
We were all in a grocery store, me looking for cream for my tea, and they looking for a decent movie to rent. Had it been up to me—who shies away from human contact—we would never have met. But my partner Steve has never met a stranger and straight away offered his opinion on their movie choice. I was drawn into the meeting standing beside them at the ATM.
Afterwards, we wondered if we had actually met them or was it one of those intra-dimensional occurrences that seem real but that only happened in another reality. We ‘recognized’ each other at soul level.
And that is how I found out about the story of Lady Ganga—Nilza’s Story. Here serendipity made another appearance.
more here…This Powerful Story of Courage Could Save Your Life. {Video} | elephant journal
original artwork: http://www.richardwhitman.com/