Finding Wholesome Balance at Spring Equinox

But first… winter I donโ€™t know anyone who isnโ€™t inspired by spring, do you? The winter in my neck of the woods โ€“ South Vancouver Island โ€“ has been mild except for a week or two of colder than usual for these parts, and a week of snow, when everyone lost their...
Friday the 13th and 13 Archetypes of the Goddess

Friday the 13th and 13 Archetypes of the Goddess

Did you know that for a Friday the 13th to occur, the month must begin on a Sunday, and that every year has one Friday the 13th? It can also occur up to three times. There will be three Friday the 13thโ€™s in 2026, this is the second in 2023, and there will be two in...