Kittens, I meant to post this yesterday but was caught up tromping the Underworld!
Here’s my Witch’s New Year Ritual for Samhain. You might have to get naked.
Shedding Skins
This year, October 31 marks not only the pagan high festival of Samhain, but witnesses Mercury’s stationing retrograde.
There is a synchronicity in this, as our most sensitive emotions are dredged up and we are forced into grounding or else!
Stay present, focus on the details that are important—like paying attention on the road or not leaving the iron lying on your favorite blouse—but let go of the details which trouble an already overcrowded thought process. Some details need tending and some need abandoning, surprisingly.
The Crone calls and demands our most raw selves. The part of us who is unafraid of digging through the shadows, retrieving the parts we lost when our Inner Child sought safety through disassociation. We must love every bit of Self, every tender wound. The shadows bring us closer to wholeness.
Now is the time for remembering, mourning, and shedding skins. Now is the time for creating! Take your moments of meditation at All Hallows’ Eve as opportunities for calling in your most on purpose life. We must be willing to be born again, each Samhain season. We must tread where our fears guide us because it is there we meet Wisdom and Opportunity.
Find the rest here….
Plus – November!
For more, stay tuned here and at The Raven and The Mystic