Full Moon in Aries, October 5, 2017.
The moon is strong medicine. We feel her pull in the deepest parts of our psyche, physical body and emotions. An expression of the Divine Feminine, Luna allows space for soul growth, without judgement or expectation.
We can be as we are, accept growth or not, we can wallow in our past or we can springboard to new horizons. Luna does not demand, but she does pry us open and expose our shadows with her light.
This Full Moon is in Aries, with its dark side of anger, violence and a dip into the shadows of masculine expression. The fire of its ruling planet Mars can be overwhelming and even terrifying. To balance that, we can look to where the pendulum swings in the opposite direction – empathy, love, compassion, forgiveness. Now is the time for such pursuits, when we naturally could slide into resentments, breakdowns in communication or judgement.
Luna occults (hides) Neptune today, Mars and Venus are also visible in the Eastern sky near Leo and Virgo. To see this magnetic spectacle, one would need to be in New Zealand, Melbourne or Tazmania, but the effects are felt universally.
A full Moon occurs when it is on the opposite of the Earth to the Sun which will be in Libra. Tap into the mystery of the movement of the planets and stars. Meditate on the mathematical genius that keeps all heavenly bodies aligned.
But we must also find our own alignment. Today’s moon medicine asks; Am I Aligned with My Purpose? Am I Living my Fire? Am I Expressing Myself in the World in my Most Authentic Way? Do I Operate From a Place of Love and Acceptance?
Aligning with our Soul’s Divine Expression is a journey. Be kind to yourself, stay on the path, invite your guides, consult the stars. All is as it should be.
Heart Hugs and Soul Kisses, my loves.
image: Anton Repponen/Unsplash/ edit mine