I’m so very honored to be featured on the My Tiny Secrets web-site! ‘Choose A Man Who Serves Your Soul’ – a beautiful new version of the one originally published on elephant journal, with the artwork of Android Jones
“We women haven’t been taught to choose a man who will serve our soul. We’ve been taught, instead, to choose men who will save us: from poverty, from our loneliness, from being single, from a society that values marriage over sacred intimacy.
But now things have changed, we have changed them, and we can courageously describe that desire within our soul: We want a partner who is conscious of his own sacredness. We want a lover who can vulnerably share himself with us.
Wise woman, wild woman, ancient muse of artists and poets, you crave a partner who can discern your siren call.
You’ve been the shadow that’s slipped past him on moonlit walks when he’s been searching his heart. He’s reached out to grasp you, but the time was never right.
Like a wisp of wind, you’ve eluded him on his journey toward enlightenment.
While you’ve been soaking your bones in mystery and reading sacred texts, he’s been feeding his mind with poetry and prose.
Perhaps he wasn’t ready, perhaps you weren’t either.
You are awoken in a way that no longer draws an ordinary man. You need a man whose strength is not only in his hands. You need a man whose character makes your heart pound and your body lose control.
Wild woman, spiritual seeker, choose a man who’ll feed your soul.
You know your sacred man exists because you’ve seen him in your cards:
- He’s elusive, but he’s real. He’s a challenge because he’s unafraid to speak his mind. He’s a man who knows his path.
- He’s the kind of man who will drink your essence but who won’t worship you, because he knows how real you need to be.
- He’ll admire your fire, he’ll melt at your touch; he’ll enter your soul through your eyes.
- He’ll understand your independence, the many times you’ll leave his side. He’ll follow if you ask him but keep his dreams his own. He’ll tie you down only when you ask for it, and then, he’ll do it well.
When you find a man who feeds your soul, you find a man who can feed your body as well.
The rest here…