“I’ve always looked for the root of things, because that is where the story of anything begins and where it is be best understood”
Wild Ones, exciting news!
Over the last year I have been ruminating over and creating a 4 month, virtual retreat/workshop called Healing Mother Wound. It is the work of my heart and experience with my own mother wound, which has humbled me in many ways, and also been my greatest opportunity for growth.
It has been an undeniable spiritual initiation to have been on the journey of orphan-hood, adoption, relocation, abuse and eventually, awakening to my purpose.
I offer my story, my process and my gratitude through this workshop, created for the collective healing of Mother Wound and the Great Mother herself.
I’m so very excited to share this with you, and to invite you into this work of understanding our primary human relationship.
All the details are found here!
We begin our journey into transformation on March 29th.
What is your mother wound story? How has it shaped the tapestry of your life?
Want to dive deeper? DOWNLOAD this free Workbook: Identifying Mother Wound
**Think this is for you? Book a free 20 minute discovery call with me. Let’s Talk