Autumn equinox is a balancing time of endings and beginnings.
From the spring time, our actions and experiences have made us aware of who we are, what we are capable of, and the vision we have for our life. This equinox is helped by the waxing moon that will go full in Aries on the 24th of September.
The equinox represents a time we have gathered all the knowledge of our incarnation of this year.
There are powerful months ahead of togetherness, cooperation, and inner seeking. Achievements for the remainder of the year are prominent in the goal seer’s mind to accomplish in 2018.
Now is the time we set aside the shadows of doubt and questioning. As the seeker we stand before the portal, knowing the way forward will test our knowledge in the foundation we have placed for our rebirth. It is time to embody by making small choices every day of that vision. It is time to become the self that is undeviating in determination.
Use this quick guide to focus on what aspects in life are calling for the greatest awareness. Use the upcoming full moon energy to harness your vision, enterprising nature, and self awareness.
TulaFae is a well-being coach, astrologer, yoga teacher, world traveler, and a candidate pursuing a license in naturalistic medicine. Her work uncovers blocks in the energy, mental, and physical bodies by illuminating the blueprint of each soul set in and individual’s star charts. She helps others connect to their purpose in life through astrology, meditation, and essential oils. Dissolving confusion and delays of desire by using the body and mind to get tuned into one’s inner compass with harmony and trust.
TulaFae can be reached via these links: Services Blog